Are you ready to take charge of your career path?
Are you ready to advance your career in the automotive industry?

Our brand new ‘PROTOTYPE Suite‘ gives you the tools and insights you need to explore, learn and develop for the future!

With demand for new job profiles and skills on the rise, it’s more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve.

That’s why the PROTOTYPE project has developed powerful tools to help you engage and reap the benefits of lifelong learning. The edutainment resources available in the SUITE provide guidance and self-assessment tools to help you understand and deal with the many changes by building on your strengths.

Prototype SUITE offers an exciting and interactive experience that helps you become aware of the strategic importance of lifelong learning. So why wait? Take the first step towards lifelong learning today!

In each episode you will find:

Useful information on how work is changing, the most important things to learn, and how you can take one step at a time to smoothly shape the future of work;
Game-based learning activities that stimulate learning and make it fun;
Exciting video animations that deliver the content in a light and fun way;
A series of engaging and useful quizzes based on the new knowledge acquired in the suite episodes.

Before you begin your adventure with the episodes, check where you stand: Answer the self-assessment test and get inspired by a very special short film, “Far West Man” , before taking the next step and continuing with the SUITE Edutainment episodes.

Start with episode number 1 and follow the sequence to the end: episode number 17.

Have fun becoming a co-creator of your own future!

Have fun becoming an actor of your own future! 

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