Tune in to the “Prototype” Cooperation Partnership Podcast!
Discover an in-depth presentation of the project and the remarkable results achieved so far. Join us on this journey of collaboration and innovation.
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#Prototype #CooperationPartnership #Innovation #Collaboration

We are holding our first Multiplier Event as part of the PROTOTYPE project, and Grenoble INP – UGA will then be our hosts on May 24 in Grenoble.
Along with our speakers, we’ll be discussing during the event about topics like lifelong learning and how to make businesses more competitive after transformations in the energy and industrial sectors.
The PROTOTYPE Project seeks to encourage workers’ re-engagement in lifetime learning and ongoing professional development within the automotive sector. Also, it encourages the development of transferable abilities for future continuous role and job profile shifts.
The project coordinator, Roscioli Development, and project partners, IP-International GmbH – Creative Corporate Training, Grenoble INP – Génie Industriel, CARA Transport & Mobility Systems, ATEC, Mobinov – Cluster Automóvel Portugal, IAM – Innovazione Automotive e Meccanica – Polo Automotive, Ilmiofuturo and ITALCAM – Italian-German Chamber of Commerce are looking forward to seeing you in Grenoble.

Webinar : Vom Prototypen zum Profi
In der Automobilindustrie, aber nicht nur dort, findet ein tiefgreifender technologischer Wandel statt, der entsprechend qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte erfordert. Um auf dem Arbeitsmarkt attraktiv zu bleiben, ist kontinuierliche Weiterbildung unabdinglich. Ein Ende dieses Trends ist nicht abzusehen.
Die gute Nachricht?
Weiterbildung kann auch spannend sein und richtig Spaß machen!
Noch nicht überzeugt? Dann lass dich überraschen.
A Creative Approach in Adult Education

Adult education and lifelong learning have always been a passion of mine. Therefore, when I was lecturing at the University of Bologna, I started reflecting on how to make learning as pleasant and appealing as possible. I researched the subject and started organizing workshops and activities for our students and used drama techniques and exercises too. Eventually, I wrote a paper* on a different way of teaching interpreting.
To make learning an exciting journey, I started thinking about creating learning games based on storytelling, role-playing, drama exercises, and more.
Meanwhile, I developed several educational games for adults, especially on topics considered “difficult or boring to learn”.
The European ErasmusPlus Project PRO.TO.T.Y.PE. – PROactive AuTOmoTive Workers Mastering DYnamic Future Perspectives – in which my company, IP-International GmbH – Creative Corporate Training, is participating as a partner, is another example of a creative approach to adult lifelong learning:
Edutainment – A Suite of 17 episodes designed to raise awareness of the importance of being curious and open-minded, and to provide tools to enhance the ability to adapt to change successfully.
·Game-based learning –A digital learning game called “The AutoFuturers” to empower learners to develop their competencies and build on what they already have and know, rather than focusing on a “perceived” deficit or inability to keep up with change.
Arts: A short film to convey the meaning of change, how to cope with it and (re)engage in lifelong learning.
Regarding the latter, together with the coordinator of the PRO.TO.T.Y.PE. Project, C4F -Roscioli Development, and Marco Cassini, a professional actor and movie director, we have created a short film entitled “FAR WEST MAN: Upskilling & Reskilling in the Automotive Industry”. The purpose of the film is to convey the message that it is important to be open to change. The film also presents how to learn and acquire new skills in a very creative way and can be summarized with the final message of the short film: Think first, then act!
However, watch the short film yourself to make up your mind!
“FAR WEST MAN: Upskilling & Reskilling in the Automotive Industry”
Any thoughts or feedback? It would be greatly appreciated.
*”A different way of teaching interpreting – Moving towards a holistic approach”. In L. Salmi & K. Koskinen (ed.). 2005.
Adult Learning Can Be Fun!

In May 2023, the University of Grenoble INP – Génie industriel organized the Multiplier Event of the European ErasmusPlus PROTOTYPE Project (PROactive auTOmoTive workers mastering dYnamic future Perspectives).
I was invited to present the methodology of game-based learning to the SMEs attending the Multiplier Event in Grenoble. My company, IP-International GmbH – Creative Corporate Training is one of the project partners as well as the leading organization for the development of the learning game for adults over 40 in the automotive industry.
Talking about learning, what comes to your mind?
In adults, the term “learning” still evokes “classroom experiences” as in the days when they went to school. Learning reawakens in them the emotional aspect of being in school that was not necessarily very positive. However, learning and education don’t always have to be geared towards exam revision or on-the-job training assessment. Therefore, why choose a “serious game” to invite automotive workers over 40 to re-engage in lifelong learning and upgrade their skills to ensure they keep up with the ongoing transformation in the industry?
I am personally convinced that learning is and should be fun. Besides, learning games offer a lot of significant advantages.
Here are just a few of them:
- Games promote neurogenesis, in other words, the creation of new brain cells, and a better connection between them (neuroplasticity). This is of advantage to anyone, in particular to older people.
- When you play, your mindset changes, your creativity is spurred, and you are likely to come up with new ideas. But there is more to it.
- Games trigger emotions, and emotions plus information are synonymous with memory enhancement. As a consequence, “learning by playing” sessions can be kept very short, and digital games can be played whenever and wherever you want to. No classroom is needed.
- Learning games foster imagination and make learning more contextual and real.
- Learning games help simplify difficult concepts and increase receptiveness to learning itself .
- Learning by playing makes learning effective and much more enjoyable!
I believe that learning should be effective, yet fun and motivating, so that you can move forward – for whatever life throws at you!
Interested in my presentation (in French)?
#learning #gamebasedlearning #automotive #adulteducation #coaching
Are You in the Driver's Seat of Your Development Journey?

Are you in control of your own growth, or are you merely a passenger, going where the driver decides? It’s time to reflect on how you handle change in your life and career.
In my recent webinar, “From Prototype to Professional,” which is part of the European Erasmus+ Project “Prototype”, where my company, IP-International – Creative Corporate Training, is a partner, I emphasized the importance and satisfaction of being in the driver’s seat of your professional and personal development.
Through this European project, we offer resources to help you take control and thrive on this journey. Now, you have the opportunity to watch the recorded session and embark on a self-determined learning adventure—one that you can not only direct but also enjoy.
At IP-International, we support people and organizations in unlocking their potential and achieving their maximum performance. The European Erasmus+ Project “Prototype” offers free learning opportunities that only require your time. These resources are designed to help you understand yourself better, including your learning styles and preferences, and to provoke thoughtful reflection. The Edutainment Suite of the project includes topics like Growth Mindset and valuable sources of information, complemented by the digital learning game “AutoFuturers.”
“AutoFuturers” provides an empowering glimpse into real-life stories from the automotive industry, focusing on soft skills and the latest technological advancements. This isn’t just for those in the automotive field but for anyone eager to embark on a learning adventure where they metaphorically take the wheel.
The webinar was conducted in German, offering a brief introduction, while all other resources are available in English, French, Italian, and Portuguese. We encourage everyone to watch the recording available on LinkedIn and to contact me anytime with questions or for further information.
As someone who has always loved learning and firmly believes in the power of personal and professional growth, I have dedicated my career to helping others discover and realize their hidden potential. My passion is to see individuals and organizations reach their top levels while enjoying their work and leading fulfilling lives. This passion led me to become a Creative Catalystand to found my own company, IP-International – Creative Corporate Training. Don’t miss this opportunity to take control and drive your development forward.
Come with me on a journey of discovery, where you can grow beyond your current self!
#ProfessionalDevelopment #PersonalGrowth #CreativeCorporateTraining #TrainingAndDevelopment #LifeCoaching #BusinessCoaching #Consulting #CorporateTraining #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalTraining #CoachingServices #ConsultingServices #ExecutiveCoaching#BusinessConsulting #PersonalDevelopment #OrganizationalDevelopment
Automotive Workers Embrace Re-Skilling and Up-Skilling to Meet Industry Challenges
Automotive Workers Embrace Re-Skilling and Up-Skilling to Meet Industry Challenges
The automotive industry is facing significant transformations with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), digitalization, and the green transition. In response, adult workers, especially those in skilled and low-skilled positions, are being called upon to adapt and acquire new competencies.
A recent article published on EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) explores the challenges and opportunities for re-skilling and up-skilling workers in the automotive sector. It emphasizes the growing need for continuous learning and personal development, as rapid technological advancements reshape production methods and business models.
One of the key initiatives featured in the article is the PROTOTYPE project. This project offers innovative learning tools designed to help workers navigate these changes. Among its resources are the Re-Engagement SUITE, which promotes lifelong learning through engaging content, and the Prototype Digital Game, a serious game that enhances both technical and soft skills.
These tools, tested on hundreds of workers across Europe, have proven effective in fostering adaptability and readiness for new roles in the automotive ecosystem. The PROTOTYPE project continues to be a vital resource for automotive workers, as well as employees in other sectors facing similar transitions.
For more details, you can read the full article on EPALE